Our digital resources

As well as our face-to-face and e-Learning courses, the Recovery Academy has a wide range of digital resources waiting for you to discover.

Look out for new resources each term as we grow and diversify our digital content.

Our resources focus on supporting you to gain a deeper level of understanding around mental health and/or addiction, as well as learning techniques to support yourself and others.

Our digital resources can be accessed at any time and from any device with an internet connection.

To access any of our digital resources, you need to be registered as a Recovery Academy student.

Self-help Resources
Access a range of self-help worksheets and help information sheets.
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Wellbeing Apps
Access a wide range of approved wellbeing apps.
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Media Hub
Access a range of helpful podcasts, videos and audios.
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Access a range of helpful and informative e-magazines.
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“Recovery Academy is amazing and has been a major factor in my personal depression and anxiety recovery journey.”

Recovery Academy Student

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