Section 21a MCA Challenges and DOLs

S.21A challenges and DOLS  What is a s21a challenge, who can be deprived of their liberty (Eg Setting, eligibility), COP process and involved parties, the task of the courts, if the requirements should continue. Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

MHA/MCA Interface

MHA/MCA interface, least restrictive options and the New MHA. Open to all staff—key themes are when consideration around which legal framework to apply, esp eligibility requirements for a DOL, eg case A to case E where P cannot be made subject to a DOL (Schedule 1A) and where essentially the MHA takes precedence. The Bournewood […]

Physical Health Disorders and Detained Patients

Physical health and relation to MHA (Especially eating disorders, diabetes, c.sections etc) Open to all staff, although target audience are consultants….exploring case studies around patients who have a secondary physical disorder and the possible outcomes. Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

Places of Safety and Section 136 MHA

Places of Safety and considerations in the absence of a legal framework  Open to all staff, although the target audience are POS staff and AMHPS.  Especially focuses on when the s136 has expired and what legal frameworks are available until the patient is detained under the MHA. Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

Assessing Capacity and Causative Nexus

Assessing capacity and causative nexus -Open to all qualified staff- Basics of MCA s1 to s4 and the 5 principles, followed by whether the inability to make the decision is because of the impairment that leads on to NC v City of York Council case and causative nexus. Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

General Mental Health Act

General MHA, particularly focusing on Consent to Treatment and Barring Orders Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

Section 49 reports MCA

Open to mainly medical staff but also other staff who many need to complete the s49 reports—the process and rationale and the Court of Protection processes. Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

Section 117 Aftercare – Half Day Course

A half-day course which has been developed for all clinical and medical staff. The course will cover all aspects of s117, including recent case-law and the relationship to the Care Act 2014. The course is non-mandatory. Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

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