Mental Health and Wellbeing Guides – NEW!

Explore a range of booklets which offer advice and include tools to help you improve your mental health and wellbeing.

These booklets are based on health and wellbeing guides originally created by the buzz Health and Wellbeing Service.

Choose from the following:


1)      5 Ways to Wellbeing

A guide to improving your mental wellbeing

2)      Build Yourself Up

A guide to building your self-esteem

3)      From Distress to De-Stress

A guide to managing stress and its effects on your body.

4)      Improve your Mood

A guide to managing low mood and depression

5)      Keep Safe

Let’s Talk about Self-Harm

6)      Long-Term Physical Health Conditions

A guide to your emotional health and wellbeing

7)      Personality Disorders

A guide about personality disorders

8)      Physical Activity and Low Mood

A guide to increasing your physical activity

9)      Pregnancy and Wellbeing

A guide to managing your wellbeing during pregnancy

10)   Sleep Well

A guide to how you can get a better night’s sleep

11)   Unwind your Mind

A guide on how to manage anxiety and worry

12)   Work and Mental Health

A guide to managing work with a mental health problem


For some of the booklets, you’ll need:

• A pen and maybe a notebook for extra notes

• Time for reading and thinking about how you can help yourself

• Somewhere quiet to read and think

• To keep going and pace yourself by taking one step at a time

• Support from a family member, friend or health professional, if needed.


Please note:

Completion certificates are not issued for self-help resources. However, if you need a certificate, please contact the Recovery Academy.

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